Friday, 22 June 2007

Elderly Mother etc...

Well, here we are, it's the day after the Summer Solstice (and no, I'm not at Glastonbury this year) and its almost a month since my last post! Sorry, there's been rather a lot happening...
Most of the hassle we've had has been with "The Elderly Mother", who's been having health problems for a little while now - and she's managed to fall over (and not be able to get up again) several times in the last few months.
Well, that last time she did it she broke her hip... so she's been in Stoke Mandeville Hospital for almost a fortnight now, where they had to operate to replace her hip-joint. However, the good news is that she's getting along very well - in fact she should be having her stitches removed today - and she might be going home next week sometime.
(As you can probably imagine, we've been visiting her almost every day, so we haven't had a lot of time to do anything else!)
Our worry now is that she won't be able to cope any longer, living on her own as she does... so we're trying to persuade her to move into sheltered accommodation, where there's always someone on call in the event of any further mishaps... easier said than done!
Anyway, I'm probably going to be taking Granddaughter-Number-One (Bethany) over to visit here a little later this afternoon... which should be fun!