Friday, 25 May 2007

Another Bank Holiday weekend...

I can tell it's a Bank Holiday weekend - the weather's looking decidedly dodgy! Ah well...

Now I really should be taking advantage of the break from work by starting on a bit of DIY around the house - there are loads of little (and not so little) jobs that need to be done, as we're planning on putting the house on the market sometime fairly soon, with a view to moving down to the West Country - somewhere along the North Devon / Somerset coast would be nice, but we'll just have to see what we can afford when the time comes!

However, it doesn't look as if I'll have time for any of that this weekend... we've arranged to visit Chris's Mum in Wiltshire on Sunday, and my Mum in Bucks (as it's her birthday this weekend) on Monday... so that only leaves Saturday, and by the time we've done our shopping and any gardening that needs urgent attention, there just aren't enough hours left in the day!

Still, I suppose there's always NEXT weekend... ;o)

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