Friday, 23 March 2007

Instant karma's gonna get you...

Grrrrrrr!... I'm sorry to say that there's been much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Incense Man office this morning - and it's all down to a certain Japanese printer manufacturer, who for the sake of my karma will remain nameless!
OK, the problem I've had isn't really that big a deal... but very irritating - I MUST calm down, or I'm sure that bad karma will come right back and bite me on the butt!
(The problem arose when I installed a new ink cartridge in the printer... which then kept insisting there was NO cartridge installed. After re-installing it about six times, it STILL wouldn't play ball - so I had to use ANOTHER new cartridge - which worked fine, first time. What REALLY gets me is the fact that the cartridges are £10+ a pop... so I hope I can get a refund for the dodgy one!)
OK... think calm thoughts... and chant a mantra... hmmm - should I go for the Simpsons-inspired "trout" mantra, "Homer loves Mindy, Homer loves Mindy...", or the more traditional "lotus" mantra, "Om mane padme hum, Om mane padme hum..."?
Heh heh heh...

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