Thursday, 8 March 2007

The junk of life.

Isn't it amazing how much "stuff" you accumulate over the years? And of course most of it eventually ends up in the back of a cupboard somewhere, or stuck in the garage gathering dust and cobwebs... and you don't realise how much you've got until you're thinking about moving house.
Well, I'm in just that situation, and desperately trying to get rid of a lot of my clutter - aka the junk of life - so I've been posting loads of items on my local Freecycle website (with varying degrees of success), and I've just taken boxes and boxes of stuff to my local Cancer Research charity shop. (There's a bit of self-interest there... as a smoker, there's always a possibility that I might need their services at some time in the future!)
I suppose that now the weather's improving, I should think about having a stall at a car-boot sale too...

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